Return Policy:
In the event that you are not 100% satisfied with any item(s) you purchase, we accept returns within 90 business days from the date of receipt.
To be eligible for a refund/exchange, items must be in their original packaging.
Return Process:
To initiate the return process, please email us at We will provide you with a prepaid return label at no additional charge.
Please include the following information in the email:
- Your Order Number
- Your Order Name
- Product Name & Quantity
- Reason for Return
- Your Shipping Address
Return Timeline:
Please note that it may take 2-5 days for the return to arrive and 1-3 days for processing. Once refunded, it may take up to 10+ business days for the refund to show up on your original payment method. This will vary depending on your credit card company, payment provider, and bank.
c/o MOST Inc.
855 East Greg Street
Suite 101
Sparks, Nevada 89431